M. Sichilima Alfred, Qinglin Kong, Zhang Lei, K Mumba Ngandwe, Shen Jiejie, Li Jianzhong, Samuel Boby, Preliminary Survey on The Termite Mounds, Their Interior Geometrics and The Termite Prevention from Infrastructural Construction at New Site of Ndola International Airport in Zambia, Journal of Plant and Animal Ecology, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2018, Pages 43-57, ISSN 2637-6075, https://doi.org/10.14302/issn.2637-6075.jpae-17-1868. (https://oap-onlinejournals.orgjpae/article/682) Keywords: Termites; Prevention; Mounds; Survey; Colony-size; Geometrics; Ndola; Airport; Zambia